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Dedicated to the needs of our diverse learners


How do we help our diverse learners?   At HES  we serve second language learners through the state approved ESOL push-in and pull out models.  When students are pulled out of their class the ESOL teacher includes the Georgia academic standards in her WIDA standards based lesson.  In this way we make certain that the student achieves content goals while acquiring and mastering language.

Our schedule:


Teacher Teams

Each student that qualifies for the ESOL program will receive the advantage of having a teacher team on his/her side.  These teachers work together and are all trained in both WIDA objectives and can do descriptors.  The ESOL teacher confers with the regular education teachers about the data from such sources as ACCESS scores to help them deliver the best instruction possible.  Can Do descriptors gives the regular classroom teacher a snapshot of what the student should be able to do when they begin the school year.  Of course, the goal of this team is to see the student make progress on the ACCESS test by monitoring yearly growth with progress bands set by the state and with academic benchmarks that have been set by each grade level for making progress on core content.

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